World Analysis

Protect your business from short-run volatility with an integrated, robust long-term strategic market outlook

You Need to Identify Shifting Trends and Disruptive Technologies Before They Transform Markets, or Risk Falling Behind the Competition

What impact will government policy, refinery-petchem integration and mobility changes have on the future direction of the olefins, aromatics, plastics and other chemical markets? Today’s global chemical markets are experiencing a much higher degree of uncertainty than they did just five years ago. As a result, chemical professionals must often make high-stake decisions with limited future visibility. Our World Analysis service provides a long-term, forward view of chemical markets, with insight and analysis covering capacity, supply/demand & trade, price forecasts and production economics for over 150 commodity chemicals, across 35 individual services.

Make Better Decisions

In an environment of shifting markets and emerging technologies, data-driven strategic planning and quarterly business reviews have never been more important.

  • Sound planning requires credible data
  • Shifting markets necessitate updated analysis
  • New technologies challenge assumptions
  • Quarterly business reviews need the updated impact of major economic events
  • Business planning and demand forecasting require sensitivity assessments of market drivers

The Right Tool

World Analysis supports your annual strategic planning and quarterly business reviews by adding robust operations support, with current actionable data and expert analysis. Devote more time and resources to making critical investment decisions and less time to ad-hoc data collection and market assessment.

Talk to an expert

The World Analysis Service is the right tool for:

  • Supply chain and portfolio optimization
  • Expansion and investment decisions
  • Competitive analysis
  • Product and market evaluation
  • Merger and acquisition validation
  • Business plan validation
  • Contract negotiation

World Analysis provides you:

12-month access to the Chemical online supply-demand database from 1990

  • Bi-annually updated supply and demand database performance
  • Enables user to assess operating rates as a critical driver of product financial
  • Recognize the signals of shifting demand patterns and product substitution
  • Learn about the impact of government policies and industry regulations

Frequency/Format: Updated twice per year/using the data browser

12-month access to the Chemical online capacity database with capacity globally by plant on a company or shareholder basis

  • Understand how capacity additions change trade flows and destinations of incremental supply.
  • Real-time capacity database
  • Updated views of supply, including independent views of actual capacity & real start-up dates
  • Dynamic and historical perspective of the global supply chains
  • Assess future market length based on capacity addition volumes
  • Compare integration levels of companies/shareholders and net surplus/deficit positions of plant sites, countries, and regions
  • Track geographic and portfolio changes of global and regional producers and consumers

Frequency/Format: Updated continuously throughout the year/using the data browser

Regional and country-to-country trade flows

  • Bi-annually updated trade data
  • Trade volume patterns
  • Data on import and export volumes per country
  • Scrutinize volume patterns of trade
  • Discover which countries are the biggest importers and exporters

Frequency/Format: Updated twice per year/Excel format

  • Sync your long-term price forecast more closely with ongoing changes in global energy and economic markets
  • Identify changes in regional cost positions and price differentials
  • Changing domestic market price structure & margin pressures
  • Assess future market length based on capacity addition volumes
  • Evaluate and align investment project planning with future cost and margin swings
  • Updated price, cost and margin data helps users sync long-term price forecasts with ongoing changes in global economic markets

Upside-downside price drivers: qualitative analysis of factors that alter the base-case forecast for price, cost and margin

  • Sensitivities assessment on the upside and downside price drivers
  • Assessment of underpinning forces capable of driving price behavior and corresponding margins away from the Base Case trend line
  • Closely align long-term price forecast while identifying potential drivers of inflection points

Frequency/Format: Twice per year/PDF format

Enhanced visualization and delivery of data through the dashboard module

  • Quickly and efficiently visualize and analyze the data
  • Personalize the way you view the information in the way you need it
  • Analyze multiple chemicals at the same time

Frequency/Format: Updated quarterly for pricing and biannually for supply-demand balances

  Full Version         Abbreviated version       Data-only  

World Analysis product features are segmented into three versions

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