Market Advisory Service


Market Advisory Service allows you to

  • Optimize decisions with reliable price, cost, and margin data
  • Leverage comprehensive regional coverage with market condition assessments, trade and arbitrage views, and inter-regional competitiveness
  • Identify the most cost-effective products and feedstocks
  • Determine industry and company profitability for investment or relationship development
  • Optimize buy-sell decisions and contracts
  • Over 100 chemical families with nearly 2000 price assessment

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What’s Included in the report?

  • Market prices, costs, and margins (historical, current, and five-year forecasts)
  • Extensive expert commentary on prices, costs and/or margins, trade,
    market conditions, operational issues and future trends impacting markets
  • Quarterly supply/demand balances and trade flows
  • Unlimited access to our price and economics database
  • Integrated view from energy to consumer segments



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