
Market Advisory Service - Europe & Middle East Light Olefins

  • Market Overview
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Key Features

Market Overview

Duration: Short-term – 2-year price forecast and market outlook

As we navigated through 2023 and beyond, the dynamics of the ethylene and propylene market became fully intrenched into the downturn that had been long predicted. For European producers, the challenges of import pressure combined with weak demand to drag the industry to exceptionally low levels of utilization. In the Middle East, despite a major cost advantage the pressure has also been felt with feedstock restrictions, and for some production economics moving into loss making territory. The volatility in oil, feedstock and natural gas markets have become critical to driving price for the global industry as marginal production costs are dictating prices, the room for producers to secure margins is simply down to their cost advantage. The breadth of exposure the light olefins industry sees is very large and navigating the growth potential for the sector is highly dependent on a huge variety of industries and macroeconomic drivers.

Comprehensive monthly market price, supply, demand, and trade data and analysis for:

  • Ethylene
  • Propylene

Strategic Analysis

Duration: Short-term – 2-year price forecast and market outlook

The Europe & Middle East Light Olefins report provides clients with a comprehensive yet focused view of the European & Middle Eastern light olefins and derivatives markets. It details the relationships between upstream feedstock price developments and downstream markets and provides an analytical view of the complex ethylene and propylene markets.

A strong focus of the service is understanding why the market is functioning as it is and predicting the outlook for ethylene and propylene. The complex nature of these markets, with the numerous factors impacting cost and demand, means that changes in any of the downstream markets, the global shipping markets, crude oil production dynamics, gasoline demand, geopolitical changes and many other factors need to be considered when seeking to understand the current market. These factors must be considered in determining the most likely trend the market will follow.

The report is set up to give the reader the necessary data and analysis to understand the market comprehensively. It entitles users to access globally recognized experts in the light olefins markets.

Key Features

Duration: Short-term – 2-year price forecast and market outlook


Contract and spot price summary with a detailed review of current market conditions and future trends including price forecasts.

  • Ethylene
  • Propylene


This report provides in-depth commentary on market developments in these regions, a quarterly price forecast, and a feature focusing on current and strategic issues.
Publication Timing: Beginning of the month


This report provides a brief snapshot of the West Europe ethylene and propylene markets, an update on the European Feedstocks cost and crackers economics, and a discussion of drivers for the forthcoming contract price negotiations.
Publication Timing: Mid of the month


In a concise table format, this report offers information on supply and demand, trade costs, costs and margin trends, operating schedules for steam crackers, new project listings in the Middle East, and price forecasts.
Publication Timing: Beginning of the month


A shifting topic of interest reviewed in detail.
Publication Timing: Beginning of the month


Personal telephone and/or email discussions, and meetings on the subject matter covered in the monthly report.


Short-term production news updates, production statistics, plant-by-plant operating schedules, and long-term structural supply changes. End-use analysis across the diverse range of end-use sectors plus macro industry trend analysis

  • West Europe
  • Ethylene
  • Propylene


Regional trade statistics for olefins and derivatives, freight rates and arbitrage opportunities for olefins.


Region and Coverage: West Europe Steam Crackers

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