
Market Advisory Service - Asia Aromatics

  • Market Overview
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Key Features

Market Overview

Duration: Short-term – 2-year price forecast and market outlook

It has always been known that gasoline has a strong influence on Aromatics products since both compete for the same raw feedstocks. However, the post COVID-19 recovery in demand has given a new definition to this relationship. Almost all aromatic products that can be blended into gasoline, have been pulled away into that market, even within the Asian region. For several products, this has been a silent boon, helping manage the overcapacity in the market.

The year 2023 was also long forecasted to be the year when operating rates for most products touched their lowest levels, following the culmination of the capacity build cycle that started in 2018. The demand loss during the COVID-19 pandemic has further pushed the trough lower. Slower economic growth is now threatening a very gradual recovery in operating rates for Aromatics and is expected to keep margins under pressure over the medium term.

Managing interregional trade arbitrage, choosing between aromatics or gasoline production, and deciding on inventory management are some important short-term decisions that the aromatics market players must take on a daily basis. The Asia Aromatics service extends from the feedstocks to major downstream market products, provides a one-shot overview of the complete sector, and, most importantly, includes our forecasts for these products.

Comprehensive monthly market price, supply, demand, and trade data and analysis for:

  • Benzene
  • Mixed Xylenes
  • Orthoxylene
  • Paraxylene
  • Phenol
  • Polystyrene
  • Pygas
  • Reformate
  • Styrene
  • Terephthalic Acid
  • Toluene

Strategic Analysis

Duration: Short-term – 2-year price forecast and market outlook

The Asia Aromatics service provides clients with in-depth market analysis on a broad spectrum of base aromatics products and first-line derivatives. This service focuses predominantly on the Asian markets but fully embraces the strong influence of other regional markets. It includes frequently updated short- and medium-term forecasts on supply/demand, prices and margins. Our outlook on the operating status of major assets in the region, historical trade and our forecast for the same provide an important tool to the decision makers.

Key Features

Duration: Short-term – 2-year price forecast and market outlook


Contract and spot price summary with a brief review of current market conditions

  • Benzene
  • Orthoxylene
  • Terephthalic Acid (PTA)
  • Cumene/Phenol
  • Paraxylene
  • Cyclohexane
  • Styrene
  • Mixed Xylenes
  • Toluene


As a client of Asia Aromatics Service, you benefit from an additional offering known as the Asia Aromatics Daily. This daily report furnishes precise and verified spot transaction ranges on a daily basis for the prominently traded products featured in the Aromatics Weekly. These daily postings present an alternative index to the conventional Aromatics Market Weekly month-end spot posting, offering an average of the weekly ranges as published in the Aromatics Weekly Report.
The Asia Aromatics Daily encompasses price postings for benzene, toluene, mixed xylenes, paraxylene, and styrene (whether actual or notional). It also includes closing prices for certain fundamental energy benchmarks, along with calculations of essential alternative values and extraction indices. Additionally, each product is accompanied by a running monthly spot average price for the ongoing month.
Publication Timing: Daily, with adjustments for holidays


Clients receive a weekly email containing a comprehensive market overview, along with a summary of contract and spot prices across the U.S., West Europe, and Asia/Pacific regions.
Publication Timing: Friday with adjustments for holidays


This report provides a comprehensive commentary on significant aromatic products. It includes an assessment and analysis of notable shifts in pricing, market dynamics, trading activities, operational updates/rates, as well as supply/demand and import/export trends. Furthermore, the review is broadened to cover specific details for each product area, encompassing an evaluation of current Asia market conditions, operational news, market analysis, and price forecasts.
Publication Timing: 4th Tuesday of the month with adjustments for holidays, major industry events and other calendar issues.


This report provides operating schedules, quarterly supply/demand balances and production economics.
Publication Timing: 4th Tuesday of the month with adjustments for holidays, major industry events and other calendar issues.


Personal telephone and/or email discussions, and meetings on the subject matter covered in the monthly report.


Short-term production news updates, production statistics, plant-by-plant operating schedules, and long-term structural supply changes. End-use analysis across the diverse range of end-use sectors plus macro industry trend analysis.

  • China
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Taiwan
  • North and Southeast Asia
Chemical Coverage
  • Benzene
  • Mixed Xylenes
  • Orthoxylene
  • Paraxylene
  • Styrene
  • Toluene


Trade statistics, global trade analysis.


  • Asia
Chemical Coverage
  • Benzene
  • Mixed Xylenes
  • Orthoxylene
  • Phenol
  • Paraxylene
  • Styrene
  • Toluene

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