
World Analysis – Expandable Polystyrene

  • Market Overview
  • Key Benefits
  • Service Features
  • Annual Table of Contents

Market Overview

Duration: Long-term outlook to 2050

Polystyrene is very easy to process, and the high-temperature feature allows PS to be used for hot-filled treatments in food packaging (e.g., yogurt). Other major applications include disposable cups, appliance parts, household and food containers, toys, petri dishes, foam construction material (extruded polystyrene, or XPS), oriented films, and other packaging applications. While packaging is currently the largest demand segment for PS, the electronics, appliances, and consumer product markets will be the main demand drivers. Changing technologies and the move to smaller electronic devices and appliances are reducing PS resin consumption; however, the overall trend for the electronics industry remains positive and will support future PS demand growth.

PS faces competition from polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PS also competes against other traditional non-polymer materials, such as cardboard, paper, and even aluminum foil, in packaging applications. This is particularly true as pressures from recycling mandates and sustainability policies increase.

Polystyrene (PS) is produced from styrene monomer, which in turn is produced from benzene and ethylene. Styrene is a liquid and is easily transported long distances, so PS plants do not have to be located near their main feedstock, styrene monomer. Many PS plants consist of multiple lines, with one line optimized for General-purpose polystyrene (GPPS) and the other line optimized for High-impact polystyrene (HIPS) production.

Key Benefits

Duration: Long-term outlook to 2050


  • Maximize negotiating leverage with forward-looking country-specific supply-demand data.
  • Develop a winning strategy based on growth projections of market segments worldwide.
  • Gain clarity evaluating investment opportunities and analyzing market leadership out to 2050.
  • Mitigate risk with data about emerging international trade flows.

Data Included

The World Analysis – Expandable Polystyrene provides a comprehensive analysis and key insights of critical market developments as they shape the future outlook for the global expandable polystyrene market.

The following reports, data files, analytical tools and visualization modules are available online and can be downloaded from our website:

  • Report outlining key strategic insights and the future shape of global and regional markets.
  • Data Appendix (Excel) with supply/demand and capacity tables
  • Explanatory Notes detailing data sources, methodologies, unit and conversion factors, and World Analysis deliverables.
  • Energy and Economy assumptions
  • Price, cost and margin base assumptions forecast and sensitivities analysis, and price assessment methodology.
  • Excel data files with standard supply/demand graphics and price forecasts extended to 2050; trade grids with country and region trade flows.
  • Online dashboard providing visualization of capacity, supply/demand, trade grids, and price, cost and margin forecasts.
  • Supply/demand and capacity database access via data browser
  • Capacity by company/shareholder, capacity integration, top producer/consumer and surplus/deficit capacity ranking

This World Analysis contains detailed information on capacities, production, demand and trade for all significant producing and consuming countries and regions. Although data gathering is essential for the understanding of history and potential future trends, we believe that the interpretation and analysis of the data is the most valuable part for our clients.

Service Features

Duration: Long-term outlook to 2050


Frequency: Bi-annual
Format: Excel
Timeframe: Supply/Demand Forecast from 2000 through 2050 are available
Area Coverage: By country/region; include “hypothetical” capacity changes in the forecast period
Chemical Coverage: Expandable Polystyrene (EPS)


Frequency: Updated daily
Format: Excel
Timeframe: Supply/Demand Forecast from 2000 through 2050 are available
- Nameplate capacity on individual plant location by producer and by the shareholder for main study products + key derivatives
- Integration table and top producer and consumer ranking tables (includes net surplus/deficit)
Chemical Coverage: Expandable Polystyrene (EPS)


Frequency: Quarterly
Format: Excel
Timeframe: up to 2050
Area Coverage: Forecasts for US, Europe & Asia w/ qualitative sensitivities
Chemical Coverage: Expandable Polystyrene (EPS)


Frequency: Updated daily
Format: Excel
Timeframe: 10-year forecasts available from periods 1990 – 2050
Chemical Coverage: Expandable Polystyrene (EPS)


Frequency: Bi-annual
Format: Excel
Timeframe: 1 year of history, up to 10 years of forecast
Area Coverage: Between partner countries and by region
Chemical Coverage: Expandable Polystyrene (EPS)


Frequency: Annual
Format: PDF/HTML
Timeframe: 5-year history, forecast to 2050
Coverage: Regional market summaries.
- Production economics/snapshots for selected regions/processes.
- Production process/technology overview
Chemical Coverage: Expandable Polystyrene (EPS)


- Access to our global team of subject matter experts
- Interactive data visualization module (dashboard)
- Standard supply/demand graphs
- Data appendix with supply/demand and capacity tables
- Supply/demand and capacity database access via data browser

Annual Table of Contents

  • Introduction 4
  • Executive Overview 5
  • Strategic Insights 9
  • Economic Forecast Update 9
  • EPS is facing substitution and material competition 10
  • Shifting end-use demand growth for EPS 10
  • Sustainability 12
  • Construction slowdown in Mainland China 13
  • North America 14
  • South America 17
  • West Europe 20
  • Central Europe 23
  • CIS & Baltic States 25
  • Africa 27
  • Middle East 29
  • Indian Subcontinent 31
  • Mainland China 33
  • Other Northeast Asia 36
  • Southeast Asia 38
  • Production Process Overview 41
  • Introduction 41
  • Two-Step Process 41
  • One-Step Process 42
  • Continuous Process 42
  • Production Process Economics 43
  • Explanatory Notes 43
  • Production Economics Tables 44
  • Price Forecast 47
  • Methodology 47
  • North America 48
  • West Europe 49
  • Asia 50
  • Price Forecast Tables 52
  • Supply/Demand Forecast Methodology 53

Market Coverage

Buildings & Constructions




Peter Feng

Peter Feng Vice President, Aromatics & Fibers Americas Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS

Mr. Peter Feng is the Vice President of Aromatics & Fibers Americas at Chemical Market Analytics. Peter Feng is the Vice President of Aromatics & Fibers. He is responsible for the North American Aromatics Service and covers the styrene, polystyrene and expandable polystyrene markets in the Americas for Chemical Market Analytics. With over 35 years of experience in various assignments, Peter has a breadth of knowledge in multiple disciplines and products. Peter is a key resource for understanding and insight into the aromatics sector of the petrochemical industry. Within the Americas, he leads the North American Aromatics Service. While his current area of focus is the products in the styrenics chain, he has covered many of the aromatics products at once. In addition to North American Aromatics, he contributes to several different services and is a key contributor to the World Styrene Analysis, World Polystyrene Analysis and World EPS Analysis. During his time at Chemical Market Analytics and predecessor companies, he has contributed to several bespoke client studies, including the development of a marketing plan for a new Middle East plant, a site assessment for a U.S. plant, strategic analysis for refineries and chemical plants, strategic purchasing analysis, etc. As a renowned expert, he has been sought after as a testifying expert in numerous legal cases. He is often a guest speaker at various conferences and industry events. Before his role in market consulting, he worked at Air Products and Sterling Chemicals. He had assignments in Process Engineering/Technology, Information Systems, Projects, Environmental, Supply Chain and Commercial teams during this time. Peter Feng has a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Houston.
Martin Wiesweg

Martin Wiesweg Executive Director, EMEA Polymers Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS

Mr. Wiesweg is the Executive Director of Polymers for EMEA Plastics at Chemical Market Analytics Martin Wiesweg is the executive director of the polymers team in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa at Chemical Market Analytics. His primary responsibilities focus on polystyrene, expandable polystyrene (EPS) and PET resin. With over 30 years of experience, Martin is a key resource within the business for understanding and insights into the polymer sector of the petrochemical industry. He works closely with the European plastics industry in the EMEA region, from producers to converters and brand owners, bringing insights and guidance throughout the polymer chains. His current area of focus includes oversight of the ‘European Plastics and Polymers Report, contributing to various reports, e.g., Global Plastics and Polymers Report, Global PET Stream Report and European Aromatics Monomer Report. as well as primary input and insight for the World Polystyrene, EPS and PET resin analyses. He is also an expert on plastics sustainability, supporting Chemical Market Analytics’s circular plastics service. Before Chemical Market Analytics, Martin spent over 20 years in the petrochemical industry. Within Huels AG, BP Chemical and Ineos Nova, he has had many responsibilities in technical and commercial departments, including technical service, marketing, sales and head of commercial management for speciality polymers. Mr. Wiesweg holds a master's degree in Physics from the University of Paderborn, Germany.      
Daniel Siow

Daniel Siow Director, Styrenics Polymer (Asia) Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS

Daniel Siow is the Director for Southeast Asia Styrenic & ABS at Chemical Market Analytics. Daniel Siow is currently a Director at Chemical Market Analytics. He covers all major styrenic polymers namely, polystyrene, expandable polystyrene and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, with a focus on the Asian regions. He contributes to several advisory services, most notably the Global Plastics & Polymers Report, Global Engineering Resins Report, World Polystyrene Analysis, World Expandable Polystyrene Analysis and the World Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Analysis. Daniel began his career in the chemical industry with Idemitsu Chemicals, a leading Japanese trading company in Singapore, where he was promoted to a Senior Manager role in 2005. He was involved in business development and strategic marketing of commodity and engineering plastics for the Idemitsu Group of companies. He joined Chemical Market Associates Inc. (CMAI) in 2010 as a consultant. Before joining the chemical industry, Daniel had extensive experience in the field of market research, covering studies such as consumer research, industrial research and B2B market research.

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