Examine the dynamic interplay of the global economy, energy landscape and sustainable chemistry at our upcoming seminar. From the resilient foundations of steel and metal to the groundbreaking frontiers of hydrogen and carbon, our agenda delves into the entire energy and chemical value chain, identifying the critical touchpoints that shape each industry’s trajectory.
OPIS, Chemical Market Analytics and McCloskey experts will discuss the intersection of innovation and responsibility as we examine supply costs, demand price discovery and outlooks for oil, gas, coal, steel, plastics, carbon, hydrogen, chemicals and more. Engage in conversations that shed light on the future of energy, chemicals and raw materials.
Join us for a comprehensive analysis of the impact of sustainability measures across the energy and chemical markets and how you can maneuver your business safely through the crossroads.
View a list of registered companies
Thursday, 14 March 2024
9:00 AM to 7:00 PM (JST)
Lunch, coffee breaks and cocktail reception are included
Energy & Feedstock – Energy Macro Service, NGL & Naphtha Service (Outlooks, Insights, Price Assessments)
World Analysis – Methyl Methacrylate (MMA), Sodium Sulfate, Nitrile Latex (NBL), Pyrolysis Gasoline (PyGas), Polyacetal (POM Polymers)
Steel Raw Materials Markets & Research
Compliance and Voluntary Carbon Market Reports
Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS, a Dow Jones company, provides stakeholders in the global chemical industry with next-generation analytics, deep insights, future outlooks and price discovery to improve operational efficiency. The company offers short- and long-term market coverage for more than 200 core building-block chemicals via Market Advisory Services (MAS), World Analysis (WA), Circular Plastics Service, Chemical Advisory Service and educational and networking conferences such as World Chemical Forum.