Connect with our team at APIC 2025
Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS will be at APIC 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand. Join us and take advantage of the discussion, where our subject experts will discuss the overarching outlook and trends in the petrochemical industry.
Here’s What’s Happening at APIC 2025
A day before APIC 2025, we are holding a Market Briefing, during which our experts will deep-dive into the energy and chemical markets.
Chemical markets are currently facing several simultaneous transitions; energy costs and mix, demand areas and patterns, sustainability pressures, tariff wars and changing trade patterns. Industry is fast adapting to these changes, but the markets need a revolution rather than evolution to tackle these structural shifts. We will cover the current state and share our views on the long-term developments of the various value chains.
Date: May 14, 2025, 1:00 – 5:30 PM
Location: Lotus 7, Centara Grand, Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld
Seats are complimentary and limited.
Hear Chemical Market Analytics leaders present a highly anticipated session at APIC 2025.
From Black Gold to New Frontiers: Petrochemical Value Chain Outlook
Thursday, May 15
10:40 AM -12:00 PM
Centara Grand, Convention Centre B2
Note: Registration for APIC 2025 is required to attend this session
Centara Grand, Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld
999/99 Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Agenda is subject to change.
With the chemical industry continuing to experience a historical over-supply with trough-like margins, the market conditions and competitive landscape in the horizon will be different from the past. Structural changes ranging from national ambitions and regulatory frameworks, international collaborations, new investment optimization rules, to sustainability prioritization affect future financial success.
Key forces affecting this industry structural redesign include:
– Oversupply leading to rationalization: Determination of winners and losers
– Future Investment profiles: Nature of production centers and product placement initiatives
– Demand growth: Broader distribution of global chemical demand as the China economic growth model changes
– Geopolitics and global trade: Redesign of supply systems with increased polarization of export and import countries and increasing trade barriers (tariff and non-tariff restrictions)
– Sustainability solution priorities: Carbon ETS and CBAM implications, plastics recycling, and sustainable energy provide a competitive advantage.
Energy transition means less oil and gas production, altering the traditional model where petrochemical feedstocks were byproducts. Despite increasing demand for petrochemicals, the shift imposes a cost burden on both the petrochemical industry and the end consumer. Balancing this dynamic becomes crucial in navigating the evolving energy landscape.
Asia’s transition to lighter petrochemical feedstocks has picked up pace over the past year but geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties have thrown the price dynamics between naphtha, propane and ethane into greater disarray than ever before. This presentation looks at how naphtha and NGLs prices are responding to a changing global trade order, how volatile arbitrage economics are affecting the landed prices of traditional petrochemical feedstocks in Asia and how ethane is gaining permanent ground as a cracking feedstock.
Navigating the challenges of sanctions and trade compliance is increasingly complex in a globalized economy where regulatory frameworks are in constant flux. With the evolving geopolitical landscape, companies are required to stay abreast of changing legal requirements, manage risks associated with non-compliance, and implement robust internal controls to mitigate potential legal and reputational consequences.
– Dewey Johnson, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Chemical Market Analytics
– Hanwei Wu, Head of Editorial, OPIS
– John Mathew, Vice President, Business Development
– Cliff Lim, Sales Director, Dow Jones’ Risk & Compliance
The global light olefins market is undergoing significant transformation amid shifting demand patterns, evolving feedstock dynamics, and regional capacity expansions. While North America and the Middle East are expected to slow down capacity additions in the coming years, Asia—led by mainland China—continues to drive aggressive expansion. This report examines key market drivers, global supply-demand balances, the cost competitiveness of various production routes, and potential future disruptions in the global light olefins sector.
The Asian Polyolefins business is facing the most challenging times in the history of the industry. High production cost, rapid capacity increases, slowing demand growth and increasing competition from the low-cost producers have overwhelmed the producers with unprecedented challenges. The producers are considering several options to thrive in such an environment. Amid such challenges, is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
After a capacity build hiatus in China, that coincided with the COVID pandemic disruptions, the industry now sits on a significant excess capacity of almost every major aromatics product. Gasoline blending provided a temporary relief, but each value chain needs to chart a new course to profitability.
The Asian methanol industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by sustainability concerns and technological development. But conventional methanol still plays a dominant role in the industry today. Many commodity chemicals face the challenge of supply expansion despite low profitability and weak downstream demand. Is this also the case for the regional methanol industry? Will sustainable methanol be the key driver of industry rationalization and restructuring? This presentation will explore short- to-mid-term industry fundamentals, methanol trade dynamics, emerging demand opportunities, and the role of sustainability in shaping the future of the regional and global methanol market.
The global chlor-alkali market is undergoing transformation for both caustic soda and vinyls. While caustic soda carrying more ECU value based on continous demand growth, PVC is undergoing a short-term oversupply but slow demand recovery situation and several of potential tariff impact. This speech will cover both caustic soda and PVC short-to-mid-term supply demand balance outlook, margin outlook and trade dynamics.
– Mike Park, Director, Olefins & Derivatives
– Yi Ling Tan, Asia Polyolefins
– Brian Lee, Executive Director, Asia Benzene & Styrene
– Xiaomeng Ma, Director, Asia Methanol
– Gordon Kuo, Associate Director, Asia and Subcontinent India Vinyls
Explore key issues:
Senior Vice President, Global Head of Chemical Market Analytics Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director OPIS PetroChem Wire
Read BioVice President, Global Syngas Team Lead | Americas Acetyls Lead Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director, Asia Olefins and Derivatives Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director, Aromatics & Fibers, APAC
Read BioDirector, Asia Acetyls Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioAssociate Director, Asia and India Subcontinent Vinyls Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director, Asia Benzene & Styrene Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioDirector of Risk & Compliance Dow Jones Risk & Compliance
Read BioAssociate Director, Research and Analysis Chemical Market Analytics, by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director, Global Acrylonitrile Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director, China Aromatics & Fibers Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioDirector, Asia Methanol Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioVice President, Business Development Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioAssociate Director, Research and Analysis Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioDirector, Asia Olefins and Derivatives Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioDirector, Aromatics and Fibres Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioVice President, Asia Aromatics & Fibers Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioAssociate Director Content, APAC OPIS
Read BioVice President, APAC Plastics & Polymers Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director, APAC C4 & Elastomers Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioDirector, Asia Polyolefins Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioExecutive Director, China Polyolefins Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
Read BioJournalism Director
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