Chemical Market Analytics will be at the 17th GPCA Annual Forum in Doha Qatar. Join us and take advantage of the discussion, where our matter experts describe the overarching outlook & trends in the oil, NGL & naphtha, olefins, polyolefins, aromatics and inorganics.
4 December, 3;10PM – 3;40PM
The global petrochemical sector is facing an unprecedented overhang of capacity which, given the growth objectives of China, point towards continued challenges and pressure on the industry. As a Middle Eastern operator, you are looking for opportunities to grow. What is the optimal pathway to take in such an abundantly over-supplied market? Focussing on the major polymer markets, this session will focus on the critical steps to be taken as a hydrocarbon rich player when building a strategy for growth, both supporting profitability through the downturn and positioning for long-term growth.
Vice President, Global Aromatics & Fibers Team Lead Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
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Read BioVice President, EMEA Olefins Chemical Market Analytics by OPIS
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